Archive for October, 2012

Yawning sing

October 31, 2012

So I’ve been thinking about ways to get in more practice during the day, even at times I am not able to sing. My goal is super healthy, strain free singing, and I’ve had most success achieving (or getting close to this) when I focus on those yawny breaths. So my thought is to apply this kind of breath to every day speaking. Obviously, it will be a difficult transition at first, and people might think I’m a weirdo for pausing to take those breaths in speech. Ha, they might even just think I’m just a very a pensive person. Regardless, this is something I am going to experiment with over the next little while. I’ll update this thread with my thoughts as I have them.



Innovative thinking on this. I had considered this option as well, but eventually decided against it. First, the nose does warm and help clean the air, so regular yawning intake isn’t healthy.   Second, it does look strange.   Third, one has to add pauses in conversation.

There are lots of things that can be done regularly, and these all basically involve posture.  Deep diaphragm breathing.   This is relatively easy, if you can keep the ribs uplifted.  If you can, deep diaphragm breathing will help attain easier power.

Incidentally, yawning breathing is useful for adding larynx drop while singing, but you may want to ask why singers can’t do this without the yawning breath, naturally.  In another word, why is yawning breath even needed, particularly if deep diaphragm breathing is already developed?

Larynx drop involves first a very good posture.   Afterwards it’s a lot easier and can be volitionally controlled.  Yawning breath can still help a bit more.  You can read about larynx drop in Alan Green’s book, and eventually, I’ll write about larynx drop and posture in

Improve your posture regularly and your singing will naturally improve, and you’ll look great at the same time!

Excessive Mucus and phelgm and singing

October 31, 2012

I seem to have a really big problem with mucous and phlegm, that gets worse the more I sing. There seems to be mucous in both my nose, throat, and lungs. How do you get rid of this without meds?


This doesn’t sound like the major contributor is allergies, as allergies generally produce a liquidy drainage, not heavy phelgm or mucus.   Allergies also produces sneezing and red eyes, so to self-diagnose it, look for other symptoms.

This does sound like acid reflux and/or improper technique that blows too much air into the nasal cavity.

To diagnose acid reflux, try any Over The Counter omeprazele med, such as zegerid or nexium for 4 weeks (preferably at double dosage–which is what doctors prescribe–and I recommend you ask a physician first) and see if your symptoms vastly improve.

To treat acid reflux, first incline your bed 6 inches at top; then even higher, if you can tolerate it.   This will stop nighttime acid reflux.

Acid reflux doesn’t reach your nasal cavity, unless– 1. stomach liquid can reach up to nasal cavity (which is unlikely, if you’re standing)    2. huge amounts of acidic fumes reach the nasal cavity (which is possible with improper singing technique and/or bad posture).

Whether you have huge amounts of acid reflux fumes or not, if a singer uses improper singing technique such that air is blown into nasal cavity regularly, symptoms such as you describe will result.

To treat:   1. resolve singing technique   2. fix posture   3. incline bed, if acid reflux.

What you’ll need

October 15, 2012

A large mirror at mouth height, that one can easily see the external and internal shape of the mouth, and the larynx.

Maybe even better– a trifold, full length mirror

Tongue depressors.

Bow tie with strap.

Primary moving parts of the vocal apparatus

October 10, 2012

Larynx– drop to create larger cavity.

Jaw–creates larger cavity.

Soft pallate— creates a smoothness and subtlety

Lips–creates smoothness, subtlety, and distinct vowels and consonants

Tongue– can block


These are the primary moving parts.   The role of the diaphragm needs to be further elaborated.

But, the basic idea in singing is to free these to do their things.

Each of these have supporting structures and organs that impact their freedom.

What is tinnitus?

October 10, 2012

Tinnitus, in many cases, is a warning that the ear has been negatively impacted.  Loud sounds, in particular.

But, what about the cases where tinnitus continue, and there’s no hearing damage?   Clearly, something is wrong with this tinnitus warning system idea.

I believe that tinnitus is more alike a tension.   When loud sounds are heard, the ear-mind hearing mechanism tenses up and produces the high pitched warning.  This is normal.   What happens in tinnitus is that the hearing tension is not rapidly released.   That is, once tensed, the ear-mind hearing remains (in cases of tinnitus).

The tension can be alleviated by all kinds of tension-release mechanisms for hearing.

Standing meditations

October 10, 2012

Focus deeply, not just a standing meditation, but continued deep reaching in of the tensions.

Self, thoughts.   Both thoughts and self can cause body actions.   Want the self, because thoughts are too many.

In my case, walking based on thoughts is such a body action.